ADLC_150.ZIP 17,019 11-27-96 ADLC v1.50, Area DownLink Checker. It's forarea downlink management. This utility showsall areas which are not linked by yourdownlinks. It reads the AREAS.BBS to get alldownlink information. So you can unlink those
AFX_440.ZIP 875,329 12-06-96 ALLFIX v4.40 fileecho utility ALLFIX is themost complete FileEcho utility available. Noother program offers the large number offeatures that are part of the ALLFIX package.Features: * Full support for RemoteAccess,
ASHOW10.ZIP 81,113 12-01-96 Address Show'r Version 1.0 This is a smallutility that will show a screen to yourUsers, showing them there Email Address onyour BBS. Great to have in your Email Menu.Option's to use Real Name or Handle, Works
CBVW4P14.ZIP 50,138 12-07-96 John Dailey's CBV WWIV Procesor v1.4 Update -Executable upgrade for the version 1.3 WWIVPre/Post processor included in John Dailey'sCall Back Verification v1.4 only. Fixes bugwith random lock-ups.
DCTUC001.ZIP 106,428 12-01-96 DCTUserChat v0.01 -=- A multinode user-userchat door for RA 2.0x/2.5x, RBBS, or anyother DOOR.SYS/DORINFOx.DEF system. Extrasupport for RA systems. Split-screen chat andconference chat. FreeWare.
DK-NODES.ZIP 10,830 12-17-96 Node Monitor (Telegard) A tiny program whichwill allow you to monitor what each node (upto 25) is doing without having to load up theBBS itself. Pointbreak : 613-569-0151
DQUOTE22.ZIP 62,243 11-16-96 Dragoon Quote v2.2 - It's a new Quote of theDay generator! Looks pretty spiffy! Itsupports 4 line Quotes, which can be editedby the SysOp or can be added by users withthe Add-A-Quote door! New in v2.2: Optionally
DWNSRT63.ZIP 218,977 12-18-96 DOWNSORT version 6.3 for OS/2 and DOS.Produces many kinds of filelists for BBS-es,and can maintain your FILES.BBS files.Supported list types are: ALLFILES andNEWFILES in ASCII, IPF-, HTML-format and a
EZY148G0.ZIP 1915,759 12-08-96 Ezycom BBS Package V1.48g0 Gamma Version :Registered Users Only
EZYLO150.ZIP 21,467 11-23-96 The Ultimate Caller Door for Ezycom BBSs.Supports alias usage
FLIST202.ZIP 14,456 11-23-96 File List v2.02 update allows (MM/DD/YY)
GOODN03A.ZIP 35,106 12-10-96 GoodNews/2 v0.3 alpha Displays news to theusers with a delay. For AcroBat/2 BBS's Addedmore stuff!
GUPI_11.ZIP 154,572 12-01-96 GUPI_11 extracts UPI news articles,summaries, sports and other information fromUPINEWS files sent via Planet Connect. Nowwith color codes. 12/01/96.
HIST12A5.ZIP 75,170 12-14-96 T-HIST - T-Mail History Utility Ver0.12.alpha5 for DOS,OS/2,NT
HSTDOOR2.ZIP 85,311 11-22-96 HSTDOOR2.ZIP-Revised 11/23/96 Terminate HOSTMini-BBS DOOR Setup Help File! Now, haveDOORS available for your HOST users All thepopular doors ie: Tradewars, LORD, BINGO,Fresh Water Fishing, The READER for
HSTMGR1.ZIP 12,631 11-30-96 HisToRy MaNaGeR v1.0 The Elite TeleGard 3.xHistory Data File Manager. View, Deleterecords from your HISTORY.DAT file and moreall in one cool looking environment [FreeWareFrom NiTe ProD] [By: WoLFy] HisToRy MaNaGeR
IBANK100.ZIP 130,712 11-02-96 IceBank v1.00 * Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank SystemFor RA 2.xx/PB 2.xx/QBBS 2.8x * SomeFeatures: Bank Robbing, Bank Transfers,Time/Kbyte Buying, Full Colour Configuration,Daily Time/Kbyte Interest Rates, Full Account
INF120X.ZIP 135,949 11-26-96 InfoMail/386 1.20 -*- A document server forFidonet systems -*- Posts documents vianetmail in response to requests from users-*- Document requests, updates and (NEW!)searches suppored -*- Supports documents up
LO2_1202.ZIP 778,272 12-02-96 LoraBBS v2.99.29 - Beta release for OS/2 Themost advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and maiprocessor ever seen. If features multiple mesbases (Squish, JAM, AdeptXBBS and Fido *.MSG)DOS, OS/2, Windows (NT and 95)
LOD_1202.ZIP 1035,617 12-02-96 LoraBBS v2.99.29 - Beta release for DOS (DOS4The most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and maiprocessor ever seen. If features multiple mesbases (Squish, JAM, AdeptXBBS and Fido *.MSG)Linux operating systems.
LOL_1202.ZIP 730,530 12-02-96 LoraBBS v2.99.29 - Beta release for Linux (i3The most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and maiprocessor ever seen. If features multiple mesbases (Squish, JAM, AdeptXBBS and Fido *.MSG)Linux operating systems.
LORADOR.ZIP 12,169 12-15-96 LoraDor.Zip- A helpful .Faq for new LoraSysops. Explains how to run Doors in Lora.Included are examples of how to run Populardoor games, with sample Bat, Cmd, and .CfgFiles. NEW! with hints and examples of how
LOW_1202.ZIP 713,791 12-02-96 LoraBBS v2.99.29 - Beta release for Win32 (NTThe most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and maiprocessor ever seen. If features multiple mesbases (Squish, JAM, AdeptXBBS and Fido *.MSG)DOS, OS/2, Windows (NT and 95)
LST2LORA.ZIP 8,384 11-13-96 LoraBBS LastCaller To Modem Screen. Take'sLast Human Caller From Datafile, and Place'sTime And Name Of LastLog in The Modemscreen.Freeware From The TacoTel BBS.Lora,Taco,LastCall,Freeware, Author : Rob
MCM10.ZIP 528,110 11-15-96 Version 1.0 FTN-compatible Mailer for DOSBinkleystyle Outbound Internal NetmailroutingOutboundmanager
MD110EIN.ZIP 41,525 11-27-96 MainDoor/2 v1.10gamma7 Installation Program.Enough Spanish Converted to English for anEasier Installation. Use this file instead ofINSTALAR.EXE
MD110EXE.ZIP 317,275 11-24-96 MainDoor/2 v1.10gamma7 Executables. ContainsMDOOR.EXE, MDSETUP.EXE and MDED.EXE. EnoughSpanish Converted to English for Easier Use.Place these files in the MD Directory afterInstallation.
MD110L0F.ZIP 20,146 11-30-96 French version of the MDOOR.LNG andLANGUAGE.LNG files for MainDoor 1.10g7(Release 0; unofficial translation)
MDLANG2.ZIP 20,062 11-24-96 MainDoor/2 v1.10gamma7 Language FilesConverted from Spanish to English. Approx 80%Converted. After Install, place these filesinto the MD Directory
MDLANG3.ZIP 19,918 11-28-96 MainDoor/2 v1.10gamma7 Language FilesConverted from Spanish to English. Approx 80%Converted. After Install, place these filesinto the MD Directory. Revison #3
NL2TX101.ZIP 107,881 11-01-96 NodeList to(2) TeXT file utility freewareCompiles a nodelist to a text file, with atruckload of options! No registrationrequired. Bilingual French/English
NLCMP100.ZIP 114,317 11-16-96 NodeList CoMParing utility freeware Comparestwo nodelists and puts the result into a textfile. Truckload of options! No registrationrequired.
NLINEZ12.ZIP 20,933 11-12-96 NiTe LiNeRz v1.2 A Cool One-Liners Door forTeleGard And Any (DOOR.SYS) Compatible SystemFeatures Light-Bars, 5 User Selectable orRandom Color Schemes, and More! Release InfoNew: Major Bugs Fixed, Better Support for
PB2SHOTG.ZIP 7,947 12-20-96 PROBOARD TO SHOTGUN This quick and dirtyprogram is desighned to convert PROBOARD 2.xuser base to the SHOTGUN format. This wayyour users won't have to log on new all overagain Just the basics - Name,location info,
RCBV13.ZIP 62,800 11-05-96 - RazCbv v1.3 - Call Back Verifier forTelegard 3.x Auto creates SCR file UniversalCBV menu included Multitasker SupportDuplicate & Bad # Detection 10 Configurablearea codes
READ_440.ZIP 131,492 11-24-96 THE READER V4.40 - Online Mailreader/door forRA (also 2.5x), PB 2.xx, SBBS, QBBS and anyother BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF. SupportingHUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase Style. FullDesqview, OS/2 and most other multitasker
REVUP10.ZIP 31,287 11-08-96 REView UPload v1.0 for Maximus v3.x. Searchesupload log, extracts user name, date/time ofupload, file name/size. Sends canned orcustom messages to uploader. Lists all ULs bythe same user. Edit User, Edit Upload Log,
ROKPAK10.ZIP 10,976 12-03-96 ROK User File Packer . FOR VERSION 1.02 ONLY!. This utility will pack your userfile toeliminate deleted/blank records as well asremoving non-deliverable MSG files. BFS Stamp
SCRPK-MB.ZIP 10,456 11-19-96 TG CuSToMiZiNG TeaM - *.MSG Screen Pack
SG_SUE1.ZIP 12,229 12-02-96 Shotgun Users.BBS Exporter V1.0 Utility toexport selectable fields from Shotgun'sUSERS.BBS dat file to a comma delimited ASCIIfile. Handy to use for import into anydatabase program for searching or analysis.
T-ASS215.ZIP 33,213 12-14-96 A program which analyzes your T-Mail logfileand lets you know the list of so-called`badasses' that poll your system with theinterval less than 2 minutes (fullyconfigurable). Report is posted into
T-DIZ10.ZIP 29,991 11-30-96 A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE TERMINATE HOSTMODEFILE_ID.DIZ tool T-DIZ Import all new filesinto FILES.BBS extracting FILE_ID.DIZ frompacked archives. Remove descriptions formissing files. ALLDIZ Unpack all FILE_ID.DIZ
T-EXP-14.ZIP 11,197 11-28-96 EXP-User Version 1.4 for Terminate 4.0Handles the user expiring in an other waythan Terminates hostmode will handle it. Testuser names deleting those who have enteredonly one word etc. Please call without
T-HSTM10.ZIP 42,858 11-29-96 A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE Terminate HOSTutility Generate FILES.BBS from FILE_ID.DIZwhich are included in most files. Generatefilelist for hostmode
T-ISOUT.ZIP 78,522 12-16-96 A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE ISOUT.EXEsends/removes files from your outbound fromcommandline PACKMAIL.BAT and UNPACK.BAT showsyou how to encrypt/decrypt mail packagesusing PGP before they are send over the
T-ISOUT2.ZIP 78,540 12-17-96 A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE ISOUT.EXEsends/removes files from . . your outboundfrom commandline . . PACKMAIL.BAT andUNPACK.BAT shows . . you how toencrypt/decrypt mail . . packages using PGP
T-MOM11.ZIP 43,737 11-16-96 T-Mail OutBound Manager V1.0 by Zano The toolYOU MUST HAVE!!!! NothingWare
TG-AMP11.ZIP 5,982 11-23-96 - AutoMessage Plus v1.10.FW - - MOD to allowuse of F/S - - editor on Auto Messages - - inTelegard bbs v3.01 - - and 3.02. - - - - DarkZone Software 1996 -
TG-WFC10.ZIP 42,076 11-11-96 - WFC Color Select v1.00 - - Allows you tochange the - - default WFC colors with - - asimple to use menu of - - choices. - - - -Dark Zone Software 1996 -
TGFIGV20.ZIP 6,648 11-15-96 TG* FidoNET/InterNET Gateway Help v.20 *TGThis file will help you set up your TG v3.0xBBs to handle InterNET EMail through a localFidoNET Gateway. It contains specific helpfor Front Door, NetMgr, and Telegard setups.
TGN-SCR.ZIP 4,285 12-09-96 TG-News Script v1.0 by FRISCO Batch Dev. Thisis a simple script file, which will give youthe possibilty to show up to 5 news messagesto your users. Just take a look at the sampleand enjoy! Felix Mueller 2:2480/903
TGNAT100.ZIP 30,993 11-04-96 - TGNAT v1.00.FW - - Telegard BBS NodeActivity - - Toggle is used to toggle a - -node Active or InActive - - from a dOSprompt. - - - - Dark Zone Software 1996 -
TGNU11.ZIP 11,418 11-29-96 Telegard NODES.DAT Updater 1.1! Now you canchange your Who's Online Listing when TG 3.0+is offline. Perfect for the sysop that use amailer. *OS/2* and DOS version included! (c)1996, Francis Julien 1:242/510
TGPC100.ZIP 35,588 12-20-96 - Telegard Pipecode Converter v1.00 - - TGPCConverts thexx style color - - codes intoTelegard 3.xx style - - `xx color codes. Thisutility - - is designed to work with both - -- Dark Zone Software 1996 -
TGW5_10.ZIP 16,743 12-06-96 TGW5 Version 1.0 - NODES.DAT Editor - Likemany other programs, TGW5 gives you controlover Telegard's NODES.DAT file. But unlikethose other programs, TGW5 gives you almostTOTAL control! Edit the status, location,
TGXMAS1.ZIP 10,412 12-07-96 - Telegard Christmas Screens v1.00 - - Acollection of christmas ANSI's - - and aLOGON.SCR mod to display - - them in randomorder to every - - caller. - - - - Dark ZoneSoftware 1996 -
TRICD52.ZIP 122,933 12-06-96 TriBBS CDROM Disk Installer/Uninstaller v5.2Requires a 386 machine or faster to run.FEATURES INCLUDE: * Graphical User Interface(GUI). * Built in VGA Fonts. * Pull downMenus. * Mouse Supported but not required. *
TRIGUESW.ZIP 9,975 11-07-96 TriBBS Graphical user Editor for windows 3.xand up Edits the Users Files in Windows. Goodfor sysop who wants to run a program withlittle resources used. Works with only TriBBS10.x
TRIMB11.ZIP 105,421 11-07-96 TriMessageBrowser v1.1 - TriMB is a door forTriBBS v10.x that allows your users to quickscan multiple message headers at once in thecurrent message conference. Each header showsconferences by network; follow message
TXM32V12.ZIP 130,501 11-09-96 TXMAILER v1.2 / 32-bit for Windows95/NT Thisprogram allows you to integrate "TRANSX" withWindows 95/NT dial-up networking. Uses theSMTP/POP3 protocols to transfer your mailpackets. No more need for your own domain or